Spring Pre-Emergent Application

As we slowly trudge forward into the spring season, there isn’t much fun to be had in the lawn. The grass isn’t really growing yet, nothing is green, and more than likely your irrigation system has been turned off for months. Fortunately, there is something that can be done this time of year to scratch that lawn care itch. Pre-emergent products are herbicides that prevent future weed outbreaks in your lawn. They don’t kill the existing weeds in your lawn, for those you’ll need a post-emergent, but they will add an extra layer of protection to your lawn. Pre-emergents provide this barrier to your turf by inhibiting cell division in the root systems of young weed plants.

It’s widely recommended that pre-emergent applications are made whenever the soil temperatures in your lawn reach 55° F. That number is significant because it represents the temperature at which crabgrass seeds can germinate. Although they’re primarily touted as a crabgrass preventer, pre-emergents do offer protection against a laundry list of other weeds. The easiest way to check your soil temperature is with a meat thermometer. If you don’t have a meat thermometer handy, you can also use a website like this.

Once your lawn reaches the correct temperature, it’s time to make your application. There are several different pre-emergent products available on the market, but I like to use products that contain the active ingredient prodiamine. There are prodiamine products for both granular and liquid applications, whichever you’re most comfortable with. I’ve used both types of products in the past, but this year I’ll be making a liquid application using Prodiamine 65WG.

Prodiamine 65 WG has a very distinct mustard color, and it comes in wet dispersible granules that dissolve whenever they come into contact with water. There is a max annual application with this product of .83 oz per 1000 sq ft of lawn. You’ll want to make at least two applications (one in the spring and one in the fall), so divide the maximum rate by however many applications you plan on making throughout the season. I’m going to make two, so I’ll be applying around .4 oz of product per 1000 sq ft of lawn.

After applying, prodiamine products do need to be watered in within 14 days. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on the weather forecast and try to time up your application right before some good rain. Prodiamine is child and pet safe, but wait to give your lawn a chance to dry before letting your kids or pets back into the yard.